Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Best Laminate Floor Ideas for this Christmas

Christmas celebrations are a whole lot more than just than the grand feast preparation! There is excitement all around with folks coming over and you want the best show of taste and style with your interior decor. Whether they are the walls, the furniture, the decorations, the lavish Christmas tree adorned with the best beauties or the flooring of your home; you want to put the best foot forward!
Laminate flooring is one style you can customize and personalize as much as you want! You can play with the textures, use different shades of color and compliment your Christmas theme for the season.

Great Looks, Great Livability!

What makes laminate an obvious choice for the festive season? The answer is pretty simple! It is cost-effective, quick and easy to install and offers you the best of solid hardwood at a relatively less cost of installation and maintenance. You have stunning flooring installed at your home that not only suits your festive budget but also stands the test of time.

Mosaic Laminate Flooring with Textured Prints

Mosaic tiles are evergreen and with laminate, you give them a lot more style and life. It offers you the visual appeal of natural wood but is easy on the maintenance part. One can use a variety of textured prints that compliment your tree decorations and mantle layouts. The use of green and golden colors compliments mosaic laminate flooring. 

Floral Laminate Flooring with Forest-Inspired Decorations

One can also install floral laminate flooring for that added effect. One does not need a very big rug to cover up a wide space as the floral prints on the laminate floors add to the interior décor. One can decorate the interiors with bright coastal colors such as cobalt blue, gray, sandy and more.

Glossy Laminate Flooring for Modern Christmas Celebrations

If you are going white and golden, red and white, tropical green or all white with your decorations; glossy laminate flooring is perfect for the mood. The sheen adds to the sparkles and glitters and offer a cozy and welcoming look to your interiors.

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